
Amplifiers in waiting

Let's flip the script.
Fans come first.

Swaye for Music enhances streaming music platforms so fans can support music artists in new and exciting ways!

With Swaye, artists put fans first—making fans VIPs! In return, fans amplify their relationship with their favorite artists by buying Swaye in these artists.

Swaye for Music ends the one-way street of "likes" and "follows" and embraces the two-way-streetness of amplifying.

Join our waitlist

Swaye is actual stock

Fans support artists they love by buying actual stock in artists, just like buying stock in companies using Robinhood.

Fans support careers of artists—while making money for themselves—and are true VIP’s of an exclusive club, enabling member-only perks such as live streaming concerts, limited availability clothing, first showings of pre-released recordings and videos, amongst a host of other benefits.

Best of all, fans have a direct impact on the success of their favorite artists!

VIP Card Ticket



Member Only Perks / Exclusive Concerts / Backstage Passes / Artist Merch / Concert Tickets


Who are we? We are you. We are lovers of music and its creators. We deeply believe music makes the world better.

We are about fans supporting music creators so creators remain pure in their music, make the music they want and we love.

We are about artists being so inspired by their fans that artists appreciate their fans like the VIPs they are meant to be.
